Swiss knife of online booking. Multi-functional, convenient, cost-effective and robust application for almost any online booking needs.

VERSION 6.0.5 with improvements and bugs fix is now available for download


Booking System will help you to setup a reservation system for any of your websites in 5 minutes! This script will be very useful for photographers, golf clubs, or any other businesses offering reservations for customers!


Administrator has option to set timeframe available for registration for each day (Monday through Sunday), set notification email, change password to admin area, set how many hours can customer reserve per booking. Administrator has option to easily switch in “single provider/calendar” mode – bookings from any calendar will be reflected in the availability of the other calendars, blocking time slots from booking for the same time.

When customer will place reservation – both customer and administrator will receive a notification to their emails. Reservation will go to database with status “NOT CONFIRMED ”, after that admin can login to control panel and set status of booking to “CONFIRMED” and by doing this – selected time in booking calendar for that day will be unavailable for booking.

Administrator also has option to reserve time manually through control panel, for example, if there is a corporate party and whole facility will be booked for the whole day – admin can add such reservation through control panel – so that customer will see on the calendar that this day is not available for bookings. Single-day services have a multi-user pricing option.


Events functionality (with PayPal integration) Administrator can setup as many events as he needs for any day. You can use this functionality for events, meetings, seminars, hotel rooms, etc. When creating event you have option to set spaces for event, cost for entry and required or not required payment. When somebody reserves a spot in event and pays for the entry – admin will receive notice. Admin can add “time before booking”, close/open event registration at any time and duplicate an event with a click of a button. Paypal currency and PayPal email can be changed in settings. If you want to accept credit cards on paypal payment page – you need premium or business account from PayPal (free).

We have also added captcha’s to all forms (no-js and js). 




Available Add-ons:
1. WordPress Add-On
2. Credit Card Payments Add-On

3. Event Tickets Add-On

4. SMS Reminders Add-On




Demo Links:

Front End
How it will look on your website.

Control Panel
How can you manage everything
Username: admin    Password: pass

Upgrade from v5.0 to v6.x:
Download and re-upload all files from codecanyon. Edit dbconnect.php with your database connection. Run upgrade.php from your browser.


– easy to use administration for bookings and events management
– easy installation with our install wizard
– unlimited calendars and events
– gracefully degradable JavaScript, everyone will be able to use this system.
– Works great in Firefox, Safari, Opera, IE, Chrome!
– Notifications to admin and customer throughout the system.
– PayPal integration



New in version 6.0.5
– Bug: fixed few PHP 8.0 / 8.2 warning errors
– Bug: incorrect date booked in rare cases due to error in cancel booking function
– Bug: fixed mixed https errors in console
– Improvement: outside of hours before booking timeframe events will now say “Unavailable” instead of “Past Event”
– Improvement: email templates are now stored in the database, instead of local files
– Security: changes in install.php so it would not expose the default user and password
– Security: fixed potential SQL injection related security vulnerabilities
– Feature: Added option not to send unconfirmed reservation notifications to admin
– Feature: Added option to select whether to send payment confirmation to admin
– Feature: Added option to add multiple email addresses for payment confirmation notification
– Feature: Added option to edit email templates within the administration area with WYSIWYG tool
– Feature: Added holidays section which adds option to block out a certain day’s events or services due to holidays schedule
– Feature: added option to make booking comments field mandatory
– Feature: added option to change label for booking comments field
– Feature: added option to add placeholder text for booking comments field


New in version 6.0.4

– Bug: number of events in list view does not match the calendar view;

– Bug: on some occasions booked slots show as available though throws error at the end;

– Bug: $0 amount does not process through PayPal;

– Bug: Multi-price feature does not auto-update the prices on the booking form;

– Bug: French accent problem (UTF8 issues);

– Bug: issues with duplicating the event;

– Bug: emails sent from the system contain invalid characters on some systems;

– Bug: few functions do not work if PHP short_tags are disabled on the server;

– Improvement: added PHP 8.2 support;


New in version 6.0.3


  • – Improvement: removed all commented/unused code
    – Improvement: removed inline CSS and inline JavaScript- 
    – Improvement: updated libraries to their latest version
    – Improvement: JavaScript changed to “use strict” mode on
    – Bug: issue with booking cancellation date when using a non-English language
    – Bug: issue with PayPal redirect in color box



New in version 6.0.2

  • – Improvement: Portuguese (Brazilian) language added (contributor- Max M.)
    – Bug: Recurring manual booking quantity error “Some time interval exceeds the number of seats.” fixed
    – Bug: Option to hide welcome popup after login fixed


New in version 6.0.1

– Improvement: PHP short tags removed
– Bug: Fixed column headings for services list
– Bug: Fixed mobile layout for thank you page
– Bug: Fixed browser title with incorrect version
– Bug: Fixed issue with links when installing BookingWizz in root of the domain
– Bug: Welcome popup documentation link changed
– Bug: Fixed issue with PDF Schedule generating only 1 page
– Bug: Fixed date not transmitting when booking manually (contributor- Cedric F.)
– Bug: issue with PDF event export fixed (contributor- Cedric F.)
– Bug: issue with paypal and popup mode when installed with WordPress addon


New in version 6.0.0
– Security: Fixed XSS vulnerability
– Improvement: Codebase was upgraded to support PHP 7+
– Improvement: Removed short tags everywhere through-out the code
– Improvement: Changed PayPal processing codebase
– Improvement: Added proper charset to the mysqli connection
– Improvement: Added database indexes
– Improvement: Overall database code improvements
– Improvement: Added country code for mobile messages (SMS)
– Improvement: Transferred all text strings to language files for easier system translation
– Improvement: Added option to have email templates for each language used in the system (manual translation required)
– Improvement: Added confirmation prompts for all delete buttons
– Improvement: Added option to confirm multiple bookings at once (for all types of bookings)
– Improvement: Added option to disable NOT CONFIRMED status email from settings
– Improvement: Replaced calendar grid with jQuery Fullcalendar
– Improvement: New calendar feature: enable/disable weekly view
– Improvement: New calendar feature: enable/disable daily view
– Improvement: New calendar feature: added jQuery UI themes
– Improvement: Replaced recurring events logic – now front-end works faster with many recurring events
– Feature: Added option to turn on/off particular calendars(services)
– Feature: Added option to close/open event registration at any time
– Feature: Added multi-user pricing option for single day services
– Feature: Added customer validation option
– Feature: Added “time before booking” for events – allows block a certain number of hours before event booking can be made
– Feature: Added option to duplicate an event with a click of a button
– Feature: Added ability to create additional booking options (like extra services, for extra fees)
– Feature: Added easy integration options into any website/platform through simple 1 line code copy/paste
– Feature: Added option to easily switch in “single provider/calendar” mode – bookings from any calendar will be reflected in the availability of the other calendars, blocking time slots from booking for the same time
– Feature: Added option to set coupons to a limited number of uses, per customer, or per total number of uses (or no limit at all), also we revised the code for coupons all together
– Feature: Added option to import coupons (CSV file)
– Feature: Added option to use SMTP for all email notifications
– Feature: Added option to allow customers to select method of payment PayPal / credit card
– Bug: Fixed “before event time” for recurring event issue
– Bug: Fixed client name for notifications
– Bug: Fixed unconfirmed booking notifications
– Bug: Fixed issue with PayPal when amounts were over $1000 issue
– Bug: Fixed emails subject line in all emails
– Bug: Fixed with past events
– Bug: Fixed free event booking issue
– Bug: Fixed wrong date for multi-day events on Paypal checkout page
– Bug: Fixed time in “add to calendar” link which customer receives
– Bug: Fixed email reminder for events
– Bug: Fixed event ticket sending after the payment instead of after not confirmed booking
– Bug: Fixed issue with pay link when using credit card plugin – now is controlled from admin settings
– Bug: Fixed issue with ticket generating if multiple quantity selected
– Bug: Fixed issue with schedule table layout


New in version 5.5
– added support for BookingWizz Event Tickets addon
– added responsive front-end functionality in all BookingWizz products
– added maximum days for multi-day calendar
– fixed issue with wrong checkout summary numbers display
– fixed cron issue with booking notifications to customers
– fixed duplicate entries bug in schedule and print pdf sections
– fixed manual booking time bug
– fixed default events font color not visible issue
– fixed multi-day calendar “days before booking” defaulting to “1” issue
– fixed language switching
– fixed “from” email issue when customer cancels booking
– adjusted “back to list” admin link throughout the system, now brings to the same service which was selected
– fixed timezone issue with saving incorrect dates to database
– fixed google calendar export timezone issue (UTC now)
– fixed issue with multi-day booking form in IE
– fixed issue with reports on dashboard and in reports section
– fixed issues with event sharing on facebook / other social media
– added canonical URL and nofollow attribute for calendar months (next / prev) (seo purposes)
– plugins are now grouped in 1 menu
– fixed issue with availability saving
– fixed issue with non standard bookingwizz folder naming
– fixed issue with non-existent css file reference
– fixed issue with facebook button disappearance after 1 click

New in version 5.4
– new documentation (PDF and in Help section of your bookingWizz)
– added support for new plugin: BookingWizz SMS Reminders
– added option to set auto-confirm setting for multi-day calendars
– added new setting to multi-day calendars: “allow users to cancel confirmed/paid bookings”
– added new setting (per calendar) which allows to hide prices on the calendars (both single-day and multi-day)
– added additional validations for image uploading in administration area
– added setting for multi-day calendars which allows selecting monday/sunday as starting day for the calendar grid
– added language switching on the front end. Now your customers can switch between languages (in bookingwizz standalone only, at this time)
– added comments field to admin/client confirmation email
– added new setting which allows to specify “days before booking” threshold for pre-booking multiday calendars
– added option to set % as deposit for event/multi-day/single-day bookings
– added option to export manual bookings to ICS
– added coupons for multi-day calendars
– added additional validations against spam
– added option to select background color for events on calendar
– added functionality which detects if language file was reset and fixes it
– added option to set any calendar as “default” and automatic detection if it was deleted which fixes the issue

– improved check-in / check-out logic for multi-day calendars (now possible to check-in/out on same day)
– moved booking summary (and many other) text/strings to language files
– payment not required now does not set event to “free”
– removed old reference to “eregi” function throughout the application

– fixed bug which prevented displaying customer phone number in schedule for multi-day bookings
– fixed issue with time in ICS exported file
– fixed issue with December 31
– fixed issue with disabling lightbox popup for small “include” calendar
– fixed events display in schedule
– fixed issue with multi-day calendars which prevented “days before booking” to be saved.
– fixed “string standards” error for admin_header.php file
– fixed facebook button error
– fixed issue with status confirmation emails
– fixed text on checkout page which appeared twice
– fixed issues with custom currency symbol
– fixed multi-day currency issues
– fixed issues with small calendar (paths to css/js/images)
– fixed issue with timezone not saving
– several other bug fixes (minor) & typo fixes

New in version 5.3
– new design, overall layout improvements
– added option to export all bookings to an .ics file, which then can be used for import into Google Calendar, iCal or Microsoft Outlook (or any other software which allows to import .ics files)
– added automatic .ics file attachment to website bookings, which is attached to customers booking confirmation email
– added option to create MULTI-DAY services(calendars) which can now accommodate guest houses, summer houses, bed and breakfast businesses etc.
– added option to export attendees to a printable PDF file (from schedule page)
– added option to auto-confirm free bookings / events on per calendar basis (on/off setting)
– added option to set “from name” and “from email” for notifications sent to customer/admin on per calendar basis
– added option to create discount coupons, with various options
– added option to allow/disallow coupons usage on single day services (per service) and individually per event
– added option to create recurring events
– added option to use HTML in event descriptions
– added support for utf8 customer entries
– added option to turn on/off display of available seats for event
– added new datatable grids for data display (instant search, paging, sorting)
– added timezone selection in admin settings
– added option to define booking threshold (time before booking can be made)
– added location name and map link for events
– added price in emails if offline reservation is the method of payment
– added dropdown with calendars to full event list page
– added incompatibility fixes for jQuery 1.9.1

– fixed issue with username which allowed to use any username with correct admin password
– fixed issue with adjusting count of available slots on calendar, when time passes.
– fixed issue with not showing website bookings for calendars other than default in “bookings” section
– fixed “collect payment” email notice for admin in case of free event booking
– fixed duplicate email issues when confirming appointments / event bookings
– fixed issue with book button not hiding after event is fully booked
– fixed issue with credit card payment plugin seding email after payment made
– fixed issue with not confirmed bookings showing up as confirmed in admin
– fixed issue with incorrect date in customer’s booking management section
– fixed issue with .info emails not passing validation
– fixed issue with call_user_func_array() function error
– fixed issue with payment_x error
– moved system emails to emailTemplates folder for easy management
– fixed schedule links for manual reservations
– fixed ‘MAIN_PATH’ undefined variable error
– fixed issue with displaying (1 space) available next to time slots if multiple spaces are turned off
– fixed issue with offline invoice and auto confirmation of booking combination
– improved fresh install.php process, as well as upgrade.php
– fixed inconsistent colorbox references
– selecting number of tickets in event booking window now adjusts the price for event
– fixed various typos

BookingWizz  v5.2.1:

– Fixed schedule page – now has selector if day is marked as day off
– Added auto price calculation upon ticket number change for events
– Added payment options in manage reservation email / page, in case somebody forgot to pay at once
– Adjusted upgrade.php file – now will update properly
– Fixed issue with 0 bookings available, yet still had option to book
– Fixed manual bookings conflict with regular customer bookings
– Fixed cancellation link in email issue

New in version 5.2

– Added support for WordPress Add-on
  Note: WordPress addon requires BookingWizz purchased and installed 

– Improved admin internal pages design
– Added option to book time slot from schedule view
– Bookings section now displays both bookings: timed and event bookings
– Manual bookings section now displays both manual booking types: timed and event bookings
– Fixed bug for manual bookings addition
– Fixed bug for paypal payments not updating database
– Adjusted booking form time slot checkboxes alignment
– Added additional validations for paths during install
– Fixed extra slashes issue in bookingwizz install path
– Adjusted reservation management link in confirmation email

New in version 5.1.2
– Added option to define currency symbol placement (before/after amount)
– Fixed bugs with paths for email templates
– Fixed bugs for different servers and language paths
– Fixed bug with schedule and manual bookings display
– Fixed bug with manual bookings (when trying to add different manual bookings)
– Fixed bug related to paypal error “Error detected, shopping cart empty” when payment is set to not required
– Fixed bug when payment not required and offline payment selected – booking didn’t show
– Added lightbox functionality on/off switch for eventList.php
– Added default qty=1 for event bookings and regular bookings
– Fixed issue with default quantity and event booking (payment summary)
– Added password retrieval email template into emailTemplates folder, for easy translation

New in version 5.1

– Languages support (easy translation, through modifying 1 file, plug-n-play for all other languages)
– Plugin system (wordpress like)
– Simple taxation editable through admin
– Added option to enable / disable lightbox for booking form
– Added option to set various time intervals for regular bookings (lets say from 9am to 11am, then you have a break, then you work again from 1pm to 6pm, this will be possible in v5.1)
– Added option to add manual event booking from within event management section
– Added option to add recurring manual booked time periods
– MINI calendar for easy integration into any site section
– Improved backend design
– Added option to set date format from administration
– Added option to set currency symbol from administration
– Added option to easily change outgoing email content (seprate PHP files in emailTemplates folder)
– Installer now has envato license checker, your server must support cURL.
– Various bug fixes brought to our attention by our loyal customers.
– Various small improvements both product on front end and back end.

New in version 5
– Added option for multiple same interval booking spots ( set available “seats” per each interval from within admin)
– Added option to show/hide “X spots available” on the calendar from admin.
– Past time intervals now will not be available for booking (in booking form, for the same day)
– Added option for user to cancel his bookings
– Added option to show/hide event titles on the calendar grid
– Added option to show/hide event image on calendar grid
– Added option to edit customer event booking information from admin
– User entered booking form data will now be saved in case user enters wrong captcha code
– Fixed bookings for events via events list page
– Small fix for clean installs with two Thursday
– Fixed images display on event list
– Fixed issue with 0 spot bookings
– Added date to events list page
+several other minor bugs found and fixed.

Update v4.0
– Option to create multiple calendars (services) added. Each calendar has its own independent set of settings.
– Added option to easily switch between 24h and 12h format
– Added option to edit months and days names through settings
– Added option for offline payments
– Fixed several bugs
– Added installation wizard
– Re-designed booking form.
– Added new page containing only events (event list for current month)
– Implemented google +1, tweet and facebook like social share buttons for each event.
– Added option to book multiple seats when event is free (before was 1 seat only)
– Added forgot password functionality for administrator account
– Comment field is optional now
– Event image will now be removed upon event deletion
– “delete image” next to image preview in event edit mode

Update v3.1

– Fixed manual booking functionality for administrator to add manual bookings.
– Fixed confirmation email message date, now reads Day Month Year – Time (no more 00:00:00)
– Fixed bug which caused table grid display error on some months like May 2011 and January 2012 if “Monday” selected as first day of the week in admin.

Update v3
– Intervals added intervals. Default intervals are 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h.
– Added option to set minimum bookings requirement
– PayPal is now integrated with regular bookings as well.
– Added option to set Monday as first day in the calendar through settings in admin.
– Past calendar dates are now “turned off”
– Administrator can now reserve unlimited time through manual booking – a week, two, month or more..
– Both paid and confirmed statuses will now reserve required spot number
– We have added functionality to upload image per each event.
– Added option to allow multiple ticket purchases for same event per customer.
– Administrator can now set maximum ticket amount per transaction per customer.
– Added option to create 00-24 booking spots (before it was 00-23 only).

Update v1.2

– events section added where admin can schedule an event with how many spaces available to book, event date, event price, event time.
– paypal payments integration added for events processing
– added cancel booking status + cancel booking email confirmation to customer
– added simple captcha to all forms (both JS and NO-JS)
– added currency and paypal email selector in admin settings (for paypal purposes)
– added automatic notifications when somebody pays for event.
– added status ‘Paid’ for events section.

Update 1.1
– added customer booking confirmation email
– added paging for booking administration
– now showing on calendar how many spaces left to book
– added Schedule in admin area, easier for admin to see his daily appointments (by hours)

Just to let you know.. I purchased this once and I had never used it until now.. I have to admit that this is an awesome script!! Works wonders!!!!!

— imediagraphix

 I installed everything and it all working great. I absolutely love this. Thank you so much. I will definitely be buying the extended license in the future.

— ddstudio

 Due to the fact there some some really, really outstanding items on this site I do NOT say this lightly but… this booking script is quite literally the best script I have seen on here.

— phpexe

After years of custom development, we decided to give a try to your booking script for an in-house project. It seemed we couldn’t go wrong. We underestimated your product!. Was installed by our developer in minutes and fully integrated into our website.
The value for the $12 we paid is just mindblowing considering the time we would spent developing it ourselves. We now recommend your products to all our clients as the BEST web software available anywhere! Thanks again.

— Christian P.

First off, I love the script – exactly what I’ve been searching for all week.

— directaxis

I purchased your booking system and I love it… You are fast with your responses. Take note anyone wanting to purchase this script, the support is excellent. I have purchased scripts before that were basically useless because I couldn’t get the author to respond to issues I was having. Not the case here.

— twitchsbrew

PHP 7.3 and above
MySQL 5 and above

So far, this coding is awesome. I did demote one star simply because the documentation isn't great and is missing some very important details. That being said - the customer service/support has been BEYOND five stars. If you have any questions, simply post a question in their forum and within hours you'll have a response. They've been amazing. KUDOS! Overall - a great experience. Purchase this with confidence!Ryan W.

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